Virtual & Graphics Solution

The most advanced virtual set and AR solution

Infinity Set is not just the most advanced virtual set and augmented reality solution, but it integrates perfectly in any broadcast workflow and environment. InfinitySet acts like a hub for a number of technologies, from tracking systems to interaction with other devices, controllers, mixers, chroma keyers, NRCS workflow for journalists and those many more that configure the broadcast virtual production environment.

The most advanced virtual set solution


InfinitySet can handle any requirement from advanced tracked virtual sets to simple trackless environments.


InfinitySet creates fully photo-realistic real-time 3D scenes for any kind of virtual and live productions.


InfinitySet allows for including data-driven graphics and 3D elements for AR applications.


New on InfinitySet 4

InfinitySet 4 is a major update that includes a number of unique features designed to enhance content creation and output. Apart from a tighter integration and control of Unreal Engine (UE), Suite 4 provides advanced features like simultaneous renders, multiple outputs and additional hardware support. 



Layers allow for creating simultaneous multiple renders using a single workstation. Using Layers, InfinitySet can now deliver several video outputs from a single instance or combine several crosspoints in a single video output (stack).  


InfinitySet goes Unreal-native

InfinitySet features an Unreal-native behavior, so it can achieve anything Unreal Engine provides. The added value of this configuration is the multitude of benefits of including more than 25 years of Brainstorm’s experience in broadcast and film graphics, virtual set and augmented reality production, including data management, playout workflows, virtual camera detach, multiple simultaneous renders and much more. With InfinitySet 4, Unreal projects can indistinctively be background or foreground within InfinitySet, and with 100%-pixel accuracy guaranteed. This opens up the door to create AR with Unreal Engine with total ease.


Unreal Engine Control

InfinitySet also adds a new control layer, a dedicated, user-friendly control interface. The Unreal Engine Control can see any blueprints, objects and properties in the UE project, and control them directly from InfinitySet, which results in a new, unique and revolutionary workflow that does not require to previously prepare blueprints for every action in UE.  Unreal Engine Control works in both directions, so in addition to the control of blueprints, objects and properties from InfinitySet’s interface, it can also transfer any input to UE to use it as a texture within a UE object. 


Camera detaching in Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine renders are now compatible with the acclaimed Camera Detaching feature of InfinitySet, so they can take advantage of the TrackFree™ technology. Users can create a virtual camera from a live tracked camera view within Unreal Engine.


Templates and data-driven graphics within Unreal Engine

The Combined Render Engine has been the best and most transparent solution to include statistics, charts, text and other broadcast graphics within UE generated content. InfinitySet 4 goes one step beyond, being able to send Aston projects directly to UE as textures, including its StormLogic, or alternatively using an Aston as a layer over UE.


Real-time ray tracing

InfinitySet takes full advantage of the latest hardware developments found in NVIDIA RTX GPU technology. By using NVIDIA Quadro RTX GPUs, InfinitySet can deliver real-time ray tracing, which provides a much more accurate rendering, especially with complex light conditions.



InfinitySet fully supports PBR shaders as materials and can also be imported from external shader editing software. In addition, InfinitySet can render HDR in floating 16 bit per channel/component, supporting for P2020 gamma correction output.


See how InfinitySet can help you creating the most amazing virtual content


Access more information on how Brainstorm’s award-winning InfinitySet can help your business by dramatically enhancing production value to capture and retain new and larger audiences, while greatly reducing production costs.


Virtual Production & Real-time postproduction

Traditionally, production takes care of shooting (outdoors, in studio or in chroma sets), lighting and other, while post-production involves editing, grading and VFX, which includes chroma keying, tracking, focus matching, computer VFX, compositing and much more, all significantly time-consuming. By working as a preview hub, InfinitySet allows for substantial savings in the costs of filming and post-production, ensuring the different shots are adjusted (chroma, camera movements, tracking, etc) prior to enter in post-production. This workflow represents a significant cost saving by moving to the production phase some tasks that were normally carried out in post-production, such as chroma keying, tracking or focal adjustment, along with the basic composition and virtual backgrounds. 


TrackFree is a patented camera-tracking independent technology that provides just what its name claims: the total freedom for operators to use any tracking system, trackless or fixed cameras, or a combination of these at the same time.


Combined Chroma Keying

TrackFree ™ allows users to choose the keying method of their choice, by using InfinitySet’s internal chroma keyer, an external chroma key hardware or a combination of both, even within the same production.

Advanced TrackFree™ features

  • TeleTransporter 
  • 3D Presenter 
  • Virtual shadows and selective defocus 
  • Virtual Camera detaching 
  • MagicWindows: VideoGate & VideoCAVE 
  • Dynamic Light Control 


TeleTransporter seamlessly combines virtual sets with live or pre-recorded video feeds of the presenters and 3D objects from remote locations, all moving accordingly with precise perspective matching. TeleTransporter allows a remote talent to enter any scenario at any time, while seamlessly mixing real and virtual elements.


3D Presenter

Converts the live feed of the talent into a true 3D representation of the talent from a video feed. The presenter becomes an actual 3D object embedded within the virtual set, casting real shadows and reflections of the talent over virtual and real objects and interacting with volumetric lights.


Virtual shadows and selective defocus

InfinitySet can create virtual shadows in addition to the real keyed shadows, and apply then to virtual surfaces. Using the real camera’s parameters, InfinitySet is able to create a selective defocus and bokeh effects on the virtual scene adding an even more realistic effect to the final rendered composition.


Virtual Camera detaching

Set space restrictions are no longer a problem. Regardless the camera used is fixed, manned, tracked or robotized, InfinitySet can seamlessly detach the camera feed while maintaining the correct position and perspective of the talent within the virtual scene.


MagicWindows: VideoGate

VideoGate extends the virtual scenario beyond the virtual set and creates an infinite combination of worlds for the presenters to be in, allowing for better real-time content creation possibilities.


Dynamic Light Control

InfinitySet InfinitySet can remotely control and adjust in real-time external light panels via DMX, and external Chroma Keyer settings, allowing for changing the lighting conditions of the real set to match those of the virtual set.


Advanced TrackFree features

InfinitySet 3 includes a number of advanced features which improve the realism of the final composition, while allow for the seamless integration between virtual and real content.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality requires the interaction between sets, talents and virtual objects, many of them created out of external data sources such as statistics, charts, bars, and many other.  

These data driven objects allow for visually engaging representations of the data which can be better explained by the presenters. During election nights, news, sports or entertainment programs, data bars and other statistics can interact with the talents creating an attractive augmented reality environment for the audience.  

Brainstorm’s Unreal Control makes easy to create AR within Unreal Engine while taking advantage of all the features of InfinitySet.


Broadcast Graphics

Broadcast graphics have specific requirements that are far beyond from what a Game Engine can do. They sit in broadcast workflows that require external database connections, statistics, tickers, social media, lower-thirds, such a variety of graphics that are alien to the Game Engine framework but are essential for broadcast operation. 

For including data-driven graphics within Unreal Engine content, Brainstorm’s Combined Render Engine has been the most transparent solution to include statistics, charts, text and many other. InfinitySet goes one step beyond, being able to send Aston projects directly to Unreal Engine as textures, including its StormLogic.


Turnkey system

InfinitySet is delivered as a complete, turnkey system ready to use, fully and immediately integrable in any broadcaster’s workflow. Using standard broadcast plus complete IT connectivity, all Brainstorm products are prepared to work at its best since day one. 